Below is the description way of taking a bath in a hot spring (public bath).
Take off all your clothes in the changing room and place them into a basket together with your bath towel. At Yunosato there are coin lockers for valuables available.
Japanese hot springs are enjoyed naked. Swimming suits are not allowed. However, it is the custom to bring a small towel into the bathing area, with which you can enhance your privacy while outside of the water. Once you enter the bath, keep the towel out of the water.
Before entering the bath, take a shower.
Enter the bath and soak for a while. The temperature of the bath is almost 40-43 degrees . If it feels too hot, try to enter very slowly and move as little as possible.
After soaking for a while, get out of the bath and wash your body with soap at a water tap, while sitting on a stool. Soap and shampoo are provided.
Re-enter the bath and soak some more.
After you finished soaking, do not rinse your body with tap water, for the minerals to have full effect on your body.
Hi, what is it like in mid December being winter? Is it really cold once you step out of an open air hot spring?
Hi. The temperature in December is from 0 degree to 10 degree.
I think not so cold this area(Hakone Yuomto). but you need coat.
and a lot of people like to take the hot spring in winter.
thank you.
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